VLSI Design and Research Centre
Department of Electronic Science, University of Pune,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 (India)
Tel: 020-25690836 / 25690837. E-mail: vlsi@unipune.ernet.in
Diploma / Embedded / VLSI / DSP
Application form and other Details available at their centre and their website www.icitonline.org
Last Date of Submitting the Application Form: 15th August 2008
Date of Entrance Exam : Stage:1 - 17 August 2008; Stage 2: -18th August 2008
The Entrance Exam & Interview will be held at Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, & Ahmedabad simultaneously.
1) For Diploma / Embedded / VLSI / DSP.B.E. / B.Tech / MSc In Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Instrumentation / Electrical / Computer / Information Technology / M.C.A. / M.C.S. / A.M.I.E. / A.M.I.E.T.E or Equivalent.
Student who have been admitted in final year BE /B.Tech in the above mention discipline are also eligible to apply
2) For Network Administration.Graduates of any discipline, Diploma in engineering, those who have passed Certificate course in Network Maintenance of Pune University.Student who have appeared for final examinations of the above courses and experienced Electronics Designers, Developers, System Integrators can also apply.
Selection Procedure
The Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consist of a written test consisting of Objective questions based on : Basic Analog & Digital Design, C and Assembly language, Aptitude & Numerical Ability, Logic and reasoning and Current Technological trends etc.
Stage II : Shall consist of Technical / Personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Diploma in Advanced Digital System Design
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.80,000/-(Rs. Eighty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.70,000/- (Rs. Seventy Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
Certificate Course in VLSI Design
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.50,000/-(Rs. Fifty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.40,000/- (Rs. Forty Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
Certificate Course in Embedded System Design
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.50,000/-(Rs. Fifty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.40,000/- (Rs. Forty Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
Certificate Course in Digital Signal Processing
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.45,000/-(Rs. Forty Five Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.35,000/- (Rs. Thirty Five Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
Certificate Course in Network Administration
The course fees are Rs.35000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand Only) Non Refundable, to be paid in two installments. First installment of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) should be paid when appearing for stage II. The Second installment of Fees of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) Should be paid before the date of commencement of the course.
The fee is to be remitted by cash/D.D. drawn in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.
Certificate Course in Embedded System Design (Six Months Full Time) : Course Commencing from September 2008.
Diploma in Advanced Digital Design (One Year Full Time): Course Commencing from September 2008.
Certificate Course in VLSI Design (Six Months Full Time): Course Commencing from September 2008.
Certificate Course in Digital Signal Processing (Six Months Full Time): Course Commencing from September 2008.
Certificate Course in Network Administration (Four Months Full Time)
Application Form
Application from available at our centre and on the web site. Application and Entrance Exam Fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by cash / DD in favor of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. Pune, payable at Pune. Applicants name & full address must be mentioned on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open Application form for Certificate Course In Embedded System Design .
Open Application form for Certificate Course In VLSI Design.
Open Application form for DIPLOMA.
Open Application form for Certificate Course in Digital signal Processing
Open Application form for Certificate Course In Network Administration.
Model Questions For CET
Hall ticket will not be issued, The students should appear directly for entrance exam at their selected centers.
Send the application form along-with DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
VLSI Design and Research Center
Department of Electronic Science, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind Road, Pune-411007
Tel : 020-2569 0836 / 0837
E-mail: vlsi@unipune.ernet.in
1. Certificate Course in VLSI Design
VLSI Design:
VLSI Design today, has acquired the status of the most happening field in Electronics. This is a highly specialized field that has the power of integrating millions of transistors on a single Silicon Chip.
The VLSI family i.e. PLDs, FPGAs along with EDA Tools have changed the VLSI Design scenario. These tools are finding extensive applications in areas like Consumer Electronics, Defense, Aerospace, Set Top Entertainment Boxes, Computer Peripherals, Satellites, Communication, Cell Phones, Etc.
Further, growing technological requirements like reduction in design-cycle-times, need for multiple featured, low cost, low powered, small sized and high performance devices, have created an unprecedented demand for design of Large Complex Integrated Circuits.
This demand has further fuelled the need for an increase in the number of individuals involved in VLSI Design and calls for an increased emphasis on effectively utilizing of available resources to aid in design.
Rate of change of technology is becoming comparable to the Design Cycle Time. Hence, Time-to-Market has become a key issue. Further, Features-Sizes have crossed the submicron barrier and device speeds are approaching Giga Hertz. Also, million gate devices are available of the shelf. Hence, Modeling and Testing of devices has assumed prime importance. The challenge of the VLSI Design Engineer lies, in creating designs that are in tune with the changing VLSI Design field.
VLSI Design – Present Scenario
Programmable Logic Devices viz. FPGAs, CPLDs and their design tools have changed dramatically in the last 15 years. Today with the advent of million gate, high-performance, system level devices, the concept of SOC ( System On Chip ) has arrived. Now you can create unique designs that were never possible before, get them to market sooner and keep them in the market longer. As a designer, your ' Window of Innovation ' is practically unlimited.
The FPGA and CPLD market is increasing and is about to grow more than the ASIC market, both in terms of devices and value.
Companies like Xilinx, Altera, Quick Logic, Vantis, Lattice, Cypress are the major players in this market.
Million gate devices from them are already available. PLDs are now finding applications in areas, which formerly were the domain of ASICs only.
Pillars of VLSI Design - Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)
As the size and complexity of digital systems increased, more EDA tools were introduced into the hardware design process. The early paper and pencil design methods have long given way to sophisticated design tools. The latest entrants into this design methodology are Hardware Description Languages ( HDLs ). They have now changed the process of VLSI Design to an extent unimaginable.
They are used to describe hardware for the purpose of Modeling, Designing, Simulation, Synthesis, Verification and Documentation.
The two most common HDLs are:
VHDL – Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language.
Support for VLSI design comes from companies like Mentor Graphics, Synplicity, Synopses, Exemplar, Aldec, Xilinx. They have become the backbone of VLSI Design industry. All these tool support both, VHDL and VERILOG.
B.E./B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical, Instrumentation or Computers), M.Sc. (Electronics, Instrumentation, Computers or Physics with Spl. Electronics), M.C.S, MCA, MCM and Information Technology or equivalent.
Entrance Exam Schedule For Full Time Course :
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage I : 17 August 2008 - Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm.
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage II : 18 August 2008 - Time : 10.00 a.m. onwards.
The Entrance Exam and interview will be held at Pune , Delhi , Hyderabad Ahmedabad and Bangalore Simultaneously.
Application Form
Application from available at their centre and on the web site. (www.icitonline.org)
Application and Entrance Exam Fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by cash / DD in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. Pune, payable at Pune.
Applicants name & full address must be mentioned on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open Application form for Certificate Course In VLSI Design.
Send the application form along with DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
Hall ticket will not be issued, The students should appear directly for entrance exam at their selected centres.
Course Commencing from 11 September 2008.
For more details contact:
VLSI Design and Research Centre, Department of Electronic Science,
University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 (India)
Tel: 020-25690836 / 25690837. E-mail: vlsi@unipune.ernet.in
Selection Procedure:
The Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consist of a written test consisting of Objective questions based on : Basic Analog & Digital Design, C and Assembly language, Aptitude & Numerical Ability, Logic and reasoning and Current Technological trends etc.
Stage II : Shall consist of Technical / Personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Course Fees:
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.50,000/-(Rs. Fifty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.40,000/- (Rs. Forty Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
The fee is to be remitted by cash/D.D. drawn in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.
2. Diploma in Advanced Digital System Design
Course Focus
The course focuses on enhancing the skills in designing Advanced Digital System. It provides intensive training in VLSI, VHDL / VERILOG and contemporary EDA tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, ASICs and CSoC, Embedded Development tools, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, Advacned C, OOPs, Real Time Operating Systems viz. RTLinux, DSP etc are available in well equipped and sophisticated professional environment.
Course Structure
Course Duration: 1 Year (2 Semesters, Full Time ) Course will be conducted from Monday to Friday, 2 hours lectures and minimum 4 hours laboratory work. Saturday will be available for additional lab work.
Industrial Standard project of 4 month duration, will be an integral part of the course.
B.E./B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical, Instrumentation or Computers), M.Sc. (Electronics, Instrumentation, Computers or Physics with Spl. Electronics), M.C.S, MCA, MCM and Information Technology or equivalent
Enterance Exam Schedule
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage I 17 August 2008 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm.
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage II 18 August 2008 Time : 10.00 a.m. onwards.
The Entrance Exam and interview will be held at Pune , Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Bangalore Simultaneously.
Application Form
Application from available at their centre and on the web site.
Application and Entrance Exam Fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by cash / DD in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. Pune, payable at Pune.
Applicants name & full address must be mentioned on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open Application form for DIPLOMA.
Send the application form alongwith DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
For more details:
VLSI Design and Research Centre, Department of Electronic Science,
University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 (India)
Tel: 020-25690836 / 25690837. E-mail: vlsi@unipune.ernet.in
Selection Procidure
The Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consist of a written test consisting of Objective questions based on : Basic Analog & Digital Design, C and Assembly language, Aptitude & Numerical Ability, Logic and reasoning and Current Technological trends etc.
Stage II : Shall consist of Technical / Personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Course Fees
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.80,000/-(Rs. Eighty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.70,000/- (Rs. Seventy Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
The fee is to be remitted by cash/D.D. drawn in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.
Course Duration: 1000 Hrs.
3. Certificate Course in Embedded Systems Design
Course Focus:
To design tomorrow's Embedded System today. The course focus is on Advanced C, OOPs, RTOS, RTLINUX, Embedded System Hardware, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, CPLD, CSoC, DSP Fundamentals, Telecom Fundamentals, Sensors and Control Systems so on and Case Study.
Course Centres
Course Commencing from 11 September 2008.
For more details:
VLSI Design and Research Centre, Department of Electronic Science,
University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 (India)
Tel: 020-25690836 / 25690837. E-mail: vlsi@unipune.ernet.in
Space Communication Technology (India) Ltd., B-33, Sector 25, GIDC Electronic Zone,
GANDHINAGAR 382025. Phone Nos. 079-32920101
KIONA Software Solution Pvt Ltd.
15/1, 2nd Floor ,3rd Cross, 4th Block, 80 Ft Road, Koramangala,
Above Rendavous Restaturant, Bangalore-34.
Tel: 080-25633893. E-mail: info@kionasoftware.com
Course Structure
Course Duration: 6 months ( Full Time ) Course will be conducted from Monday to Friday, 2 hours lectures and minimum 4 hours laboratory work. Saturday will be available for additional lab work.
Industrial Standard project of 3 month duration, will be an integral part of the course.
B.E./B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical, Instrumentation or Computers), M.Sc. (Electronics, Instrumentation, Computers or Physics with Spl. Electronics), M.C.S, MCA, MCM and Information Technology or equivalent.
Entrance Exam Schedule For Full Time Course:
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage I : 17 August 2008 - Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm.
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage II : 18 August 2008 - Time : 10.00 a.m. onwards.
The Entrance Exam and interview will be held at Pune , Delhi , Hyderabad Ahmedabad and Bangalore Simultaneously.
Application Form:
Application from available at their centre and on the web site.
Application and Entrance Exam Fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by cash / DD in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. Pune, payable at Pune.
Applicants name & full address must be mentioned on the reverse side of the
Demand Draft
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open Application form for Certificate Course In Embedded System Design .
Hall ticket will not be issued, The students should appear directly for entrance exam at their selected centres.
Send the application form along-with DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
VLSI Design and Research Center
Department of Electronic Science, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind Road, Pune-411007
Tel : 020-25690836 / 837
Selection Procedure:
The Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consist of a written test consisting of Objective questions based on : Basic Analog & Digital Design, C and Assembly language, Aptitude & Numerical Ability, Logic and reasoning and Current Technological trends etc.
Stage II : Shall consist of Technical / Personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Course Fees:
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.50,000/-(Rs. Fifty Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.40,000/- (Rs. Forty Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
The fee is to be remitted by cash/D.D. drawn in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.
4. Certificate Course in Network Administration
Course Focus
To Maintain, Manage, and Design tomorrow's Networks today. The focus is on starting with the Concepts of PC Hardware to Microsoft Windows 2003 server, infrastructure, Active Directory services, Mail, web, internet services, structured cabling, Backup and disaster recovery, network security, remote administration, preventive and corrective maintenance, reduction of down time, network performance and monitoring and maintenance, using different platforms and products of Vendor like Microsoft, Linux, Cisco, Veritas, IBM, and so on.
Course Structure
Course duration: 4 Months (Full Time) Course will be conducted from Monday to Friday, 2 hours lectures and minimum 3 hours laboratory work and assignments, Saturday will be available for additional lab work.
Graduates of any discipline, Diploma in engineering, those who have passed Certificate course in Network Maintenance of Pune University.
Entrance Exam Schedule
Date of Entrance Exam- 17 August 2008 - Time : 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 pm.
Date of Entrance Exam Stage II: 18 August 2008 Time : 10.00 a.m. onwards.
The Entrance Exam and interview will be held at Pune , Delhi , Hyderabad , Ahmedabad Simultaneously.
Application Form
Application form available at their centre and our web site (Link given below)
Application and entrance exam fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by Cash/ DD in favor of ICIT Pvt. Ltd., Pune, payable at Pune.
Applicant's full name and address must be mentioned on the back side of the Demand Draft.
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open Application form for Certificate Course In Network Administration.
Hall ticket will not be issued, The students should appear directly for entrance exam at their selected centers.
Send the application form along-with DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
VLSI Design and Research Center
Department of Electronic Science, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune-411007. Tel : 020-25690836 / 837
Selection Procedure
Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consists of a written test consisting of objective questions based on
Aptitude and numerical ability, logic and reasoning, current technological trends, Basic knowledge of Computer etc.
Stage II : shall consist of technical/ personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Course Fees
The course fees are Rs.35000/- (Rupees Thirty Five Thousand Only) Non Refundable to be paid in two installments. First installment of Rs.10,000/- ( Rupees Ten Thousand only) should be paid when appearing for stage II, The second installment of Fees of Rs.25,000/- ( Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) Should be paid before the date of commencement of the course.
Admissions will be confirmed on the day of stage II, on payment of Rs.10000/- ( Rupees Ten Thousand Only) towards first installment of course fees, to be paid in cash or DD drawn on any nationalized bank in favor of ICIT Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Payable at Pune.
This Course will be conducted at:
Sharada Institute of Information Technology Pvt Ltd
19/2 Sharada Tower , Next to Hotel Kalinga, Erandawane , Pune 411004. Tel: 020 2545951,25459518
E-mail: sharadainstitute@gmail.com
5. Certificate Course in Digital Signal Processing
Course Focus
This is a unique course in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology for electronics / software engineers. DSP technology is at the heart of most of the embedded applications of the electronics / computing industry today and it enables engineers for engaging in higher value activities. This course on DSP is ajudicious combination of classroom training and hands-on sessions on DSP kits and computers. The courses are aided by well-documented lecture-notes and access to authorized DSP hardware kits and licensed DSP development tools and software.
Course Structure
Course Duration: 6 months (Full Time)
B.E./B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrical, Instrumentation or Computers), M.Sc. (Electronics, Instrumentation, Computers or Physics with Spl. Electronics), M.C.S, MCA, MCM and Information Technology or equivalent
Application Form
Application from available at their centre and on the web site.
Application and Entrance Exam Fee Rs. 250/- to be paid by cash / DD in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. Pune, payable at Pune.
Applicants name & full address must be mentioned on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
To print the Application form Click on link below.
Open DSP Application form for printing.
Send the application form along with DD of Rs. 250/- drawn in favor of ICIT Pvt Ltd, Pune, Payable at Pune by post/courier.
Hall ticket will not be issued, The students should appear directly for entrance exam at their selected centres.
VLSI Design and Research Center
Department of Electronic Science, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind Road, Pune-411007
Tel : 020-25690836 / 837
Entrance Exam Schedule For Full Time Course :
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage I : 17 August 2008 - Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm.
Date of Entrance Exam - Stage II : 18 August 2008 - Time : 10.00 a.m. onwards.
The Entrance Exam and interview will be held at Pune , Delhi , Hyderabad Ahmedabad and Bangalore Simultaneously.
Selection Procedure
The Selection process leading to confirmed admission unfolds in two stages:
Stage I : Entrance test consist of a written test consisting of Objective questions based on : Basic Analog & Digital Design, C and Assembly language, Aptitude & Numerical Ability, Logic and reasoning and Current Technological trends etc.
Stage II : Shall consist of Technical / Personal interview and review of scholastic records leading to confirmation of admission.
Course Fees
The student who is declared successful in test & interview (Stage I & Stage II) will be given selection letter. The course fee is Rs.45,000/-(Rs. Forty Five Thousand Only), non-refundable. First installment of Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 23/08/2008. Second installment of Rs.35,000/- (Rs. Thirty Five Thousand Only) shall be paid on or before 06/09/2008.
The fee is to be remitted by cash/D.D. drawn in favour of ICIT Pvt. Ltd. payable at Pune.
Course Commencing from 11 September 2008.
For more details please contact:
SCI-COM Software India Pvt. Ltd.
Unit No. 1, Plot No. 59, Amchi Colony, Survey No. 1, NDA Road, Bavdhan, Pune 411021
Tel: 020-22951907 / 020-22951910
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