The Jawaharlal Nehru University constituted under the Jawaharlal Nehru University Act 1966, (53 of 1966) came into existence in 1969.
Jawaharlal Nehru University will hold the entrance examination for admission to various programmes and also the Combined M.Sc. Biotechnology entrance exam from May 17 to 20. The exams will be held on behalf of 30 participating universities at 79 centres across the country and one overseas in Kathmandu.
Application forms and prospectus will be available at JNU from February 1. Forms can also be obtained through post by writing to Section Officer (Admissions), JNU, New Delhi–110067.
Application forms and prospectus will be available at JNU from February 1. Forms can also be obtained through post by writing to Section Officer (Admissions), JNU, New Delhi–110067.
The basic academic units of the University are not single discipline departments but multi-disciplinary Schools of Studies. A School has been visualised as a community of scholars from disciplines which are linked with each other organically in terms of their subject-matter and methodology as well as in terms of problem areas. Some Schools are made up of a number of Centres which constitute the units operating within the broad framework of a School. A Centre has been defined as a community of scholars irrespective of their disciplines engaged in clearly identified inter-disciplinary programmes of research and teaching.
The University includes the following Schools of inter-disciplinary research and teaching besides some Special Centres of Study:
(i) School of International Studies
(ii) School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
(iii) School of Social Sciences
(iv) School of Arts and Aesthetics
(v) School of Life Sciences
(vi) School of Environmental Sciences
(vii) School of Computer and Systems Sciences
(viii) School of Physical Sciences
(ix) School of Information Technology
(x) School of Biotechnology
(xi) Centre for Molecular Medicine
(xii) Centre for Sanskrit Studies
(xiii) Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Choice of Field of Study: You can opt for appearing in the entrance examination upto a maximum of three fields of study of your choice to be indicated in the same application form in order of preference for admission from among those listed under the programmes of study offered by various Schools/Centres.
If you intend to apply for more than one Field of Study in the same level of programmes but upto three, you need not fill separate application form. If you submit more than one application form for same level of programmes, all your application forms will be outrightly rejected. (However this restriction will not apply to those JRF holder candidates who apply under 'JRF holders category' for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. & Pre-Ph.D./Ph.D. Programme through viva-voce examination only in Science Schools in addition to admission through entrance examination). The Choices given in the application form should relate to the same level of programmes.
While selecting the Field of Study you should consult the schedule of examination which appears at the end of this Prospectus before indicating your preference with a view to ensure that there is no clash in the entrance examination schedule. The University assumes no responsibility if you, despite caution, have opted for more than one field of study for which the examinations have been scheduled simultaneously.
Please note that option(s) once excercised shall be final and no change of option(s) shall be allowed. The preference wise option given by you at the time of filling in the application form will be kept in view e.g. a candidate who has been selected for a discipline falling under higher preference will have no claim for other preferences of the same level of programme. In other words, if one gets selected in higher preference, he/she will be offered admission only in that.
For Direct Admission to Ph.D. programme and admission of JRF holders to M.Phil./PH.D., Pre-Ph.D./Ph.D. programmes in Science Schools, the candidates are required to fill in separate Application Form for each Field of Study. If a candidate is not selected for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. or Pre-Ph.D./Ph.D. programme through Entrance Examination, he/she shall not be considered for Direct Admission to Ph.D. programme in the same year.
Note :
1. You can opt for appearing in the Entrance Examination upto a maximum of three fields of study of your choice for the same level of progrmmes to be indicated in the same Application Form in order of preference for admission.
1. You can opt for appearing in the Entrance Examination upto a maximum of three fields of study of your choice for the same level of progrmmes to be indicated in the same Application Form in order of preference for admission.
2. If you submit more than one Application Form for the same level of programmes, all your Application Forms shall be summarily rejected. However, this restriction will not apply to (i) those JRF holder candidates who apply for admission in Science Schools under "JRF category" for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. or Pre-Ph.D/Ph.D. through viva-voce examination in addition to admission through entrance examination; and (ii) candidates who apply for direct admission to Ph.D. programme.
C Application Forms can be submitted by Registered Post to Section Officer (Admissions), Room No.28, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - 110067 or dropped in the Box in the Administrative Block of the University. The application forms must reach the JNU on or before March 15, 2010. JNU will not accept responsibility for any postal delay or irregularity or loss in postal transit.
PLEASE Do not send your application form through private courier services
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