
IIT - JEE 2010

The JEE will be conducted at various centres accross the country on Sunday, 11 April, 2010.  Paper I is from 9 a.m. to 12.00 noon, while Paper II is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Candidates for IITJEE-2010 have options to apply either on-line or off-line. The Fee for on-line application for GE/OBC/DS candidates is Rs 900/- and for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates is Rs 450/-. For on-line submission, visit JEE websites.
The fee for off-line application form for GE/OBC/DS candidates is Rs 1000/- ( in light blue envelope) and for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates is Rs 500/-.(in light green envelope).
Candidates shall go through the following general information on filling and submitting of off-line application form.

  1. The applicant should fulfill all eligibility criteria .

  2. Submit only one application form. If the applicant submit more than one, the application for JEE-2010 will be rejected.

  3. A machine will process the OMR application form by picking up only the dark pencil marks. Therefore darken the bubbles corresponding to the letters or numerals using HB pencil only. 

  4. Choose two cities, where the applicant wants to write JEE-2010, belonging to the same zone from the list given below.

  5. Options once selected in the application form cannot be changed at a later

  6. Note down the OMR application form number (printed near the barcode) and quote this application number in all the future correspondences.

  7. Completed application form with all enclosures must be sent to the respective zonal IITs by Registered Post /Speed Post only.

  8. No acknowledgement card will be sent. However, the candidate may check the status of the application on the JEE websites, IVRS and through SMS.

  9. The candidates' applications must be complete in all respects. Incomplete application forms or application forms filled in a language other than English will be summarily rejected.

  10. The application fee is non-refundable. For all enquiries, candidates may use the website or the phone with IVRS facility of the IIT concerned.

The examination will be held on the scheduled date (April11) and the schedule will remain unaltered even if the above date is declared a public holiday.
Type of Examination : There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers will consist of three separate sections on Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type. The answers for each of the questions are to be recorded on a separate specially designed machine-gradable sheet of paper (ORS – Optical Response Sheet). While answering each of the questions the candidate is expected to darken the bubble against correct answer(s) using hard black (HB) pencils only. In some sections, incorrect answers may be awarded negative marks. The detailed syllabi based on which JEE-2010 will be conducted, for the three subjects, namely, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics are given in the brochure.
Choice of Language of Question Paper : A candidate can opt for question papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling the application form. It cannot be changed at any later stage.
Choice of Font of Question Paper: Candidates with poor vision can ask for question paper with enlarged font. They must send a request letter addressed to the Chairman, JEE of the respective zones along with the application form. The format of the letter is given in the detailed brochure.
Cities/Towns of JEE-2010 centres: JEE-2010 will be conducted in major cities and towns of India as well as in Dubai. While applying, candidates should choose any two towns/cities in the same zone. Efforts will be made to allot candidate's first or second choice. However, in some exceptional circumstances, a different city in the same zone may be allotted. Requests for a change of centre within a city, will not be entertained. However, under exceptional circumstances, a change of city within the zone or outside the zone may be permitted with a request letter. The letter should clearly indicate the Registration Number with valid reasons for the change and should be received on or before March 28, 2010 along with a draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/ PD candidates) drawn in favour of "Chairman, JEE" of the concerned IIT. The application should be sent to the IIT from where the candidate received the admit card. In this regard, the decision of the Chairman, JEE-2010 will be final.
Use of calculating and communication aids: Use of electronic devices like mobile phone, calculator, I-Pod etc. is NOT PERMITTED in JEE-2010. Materials like Log table, book, notebook, etc. should not be brought into the examination hall.
Eligibility for JEE-2010: Candidates must make sure that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below for appearing in JEE-2010:
Date of Birth: The date of birth of candidates belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories should be on or after October 1, 1985. Whereas the date of birth of those belonging to SC, ST and PD categories should be on or after October 1, 1980. The date of birth as recorded in the high school/first Board/ Pre-University certificate will be accepted. If the certificate does not mention the date of birth, a candidate must submit along with the application, an authenticated document indicating the date of birth.
Year of passing Qualifying Examination (QE): A candidate must have passed the QE for the first time, after October 1, 2008 or in the year 2009 or will be appearing in 2010. Those who are going to appear in the QE later than October 1, 2010 are not eligible to apply for JEE-2010. The qualifying examinations (QE) are listed below: (i) The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized central / state Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi; etc. (ii) Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized Board / University. (iii) Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy. (iv)General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London / Cambridge / Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level. (v) High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.(vi) Any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). (vii) H.S.C. vocational examination. (viii) Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects.(ix) 3 or 4 year Diploma recognized by AICTE or a state Board of technical education. In case  the relevant qualifying examination is not a public examination, the candidate must have passed at least one public (Board or Pre-University) examination at an earlier level.
Minimum Percentage of Marks in QE: Candidates belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in their QE. Whereas, those belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the QE. The percentage of marks awarded by the Board will be treated as final. If the Board does not award the percentage of marks, it will be calculated based on the marks obtained in all subjects listed in the mark sheet. If any Board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the Board specifying the equivalent marks, and submit it at the time of counselling/ admission. In case such a certificate is not provided then the final decision rests with the Joint Implementation Committee of JEE-2010.
Important Points to note: (i) One can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years. That means one should have attempted JEE for the first time in 2009 or will be appearing in 2010. (ii) Those who have accepted admission after qualifying in JEE in earlier years by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi or ISM, Dhanbad, are NOT ELIGIBLE to write JEE at all irrespective of whether or not they joined in any of the programmes. (iii) The year of passing the Qualifying Examination is the year in which the candidate has passed, for the first time, any of the examinations listed above, irrespective of the minimum percentage marks secured. (iv) The offer of admission is subject to verification of original certificates/ documents at the time of admission. If any candidate is found ineligible at a later date even after admission to an Institute, his/ her admission will be cancelled automatically. (v) If a candidate is expecting the results of the QE in 2010, his/her admission will only be provisional until he/she submits the relevant documents.
Reservation of Seats: As per Government of India rules candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved for them based on relaxed criteria. These categories are: • Scheduled Castes (SC) • Scheduled Tribes (ST) • Other Backward Castes (OBC) if they belong to Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) • Persons with Physical Disability (PD) Benefit of reservation shall be given only to those castes/ tribes which are recognized by the Government of India and are included in the respective central list published by the Department of Personnel and Training.
SC/ST Candidates: For the SC and ST categories, respectively 15% and 7.5% seats are reserved in all IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISM, Dhanbad. Candidates belonging to these categories are admitted on the basis of a relaxed criterion. In case all the reserved seats are not filled, a limited number of candidates are admitted to a Preparatory Course of one-year duration on the basis of a further relaxation. This course attempts to prepare the students in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. On successful completion of the course, the students will be offered a direct admission to the undergraduate programmes in July 2011, against the unfilled reserved seats for JEE-2010. Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories, will be required to produce the original caste/ tribe certificate issued by a competent authority in the prescribed format . Certificates in any other format will not be accepted. These documents must be produced at the time of counselling, failing which they will not be considered for admission. Seats remaining vacant in these categories shall not be filled by candidates belonging to any other category.
OBC Candidates: For the purpose of reservation of seats in JEE-2010, a candidate will be considered as OBC only if he/she belongs to the non-creamy layer of this category. Those belonging to the creamy layer of OBC are not entitled for reservation. For candidates belonging to OBC (non-creamy layer), 27% of the seats are reserved in all IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISM, Dhanbad and are allotted based on a relaxed criterion. In case any of the reserved seats in this category are not filled, they can be filled by candidates belonging to GE category. The OBC candidates (non-creamy layer) will be required to produce the original caste certificate issued on or after January 1, 2010 by a competent authority in the prescribed format . The certificate must be produced at the time of counselling, failing which they will NOT be considered for admission in the OBC category.
Persons with Disability (PD): For PD, including leprosy-cured candidates, who are otherwise fit to pursue the course, and qualify JEE with relaxed norms relevant to this category, 3% seats are reserved in each of the categories (namely, GE, OBC, SC, & ST) as specified by the Government of India. In case all the reserved seats are not filled, a limited number of candidates are admitted to a Preparatory Course of one-year duration on the basis of a further relaxation. For any category of disability (viz., locomotor, visual, speech, and/or hearing) benefit would be given to those who have at least 40% physical impairment. The candidates in this category will be required to be certified by a medical board constituted by IIT during counselling. The decision of medical board is final.
Preferential Allotment of Seats for DS Category: Two seats are available for preferential allotment in each institute for children of defence/paramilitary personnel killed or permanently disabled in action during war or peacetime operations (DS category). Candidates belonging to DS category, should submit a copy of the relevant certificate issued by a competent authority in the Directorate of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, New Delhi under the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India or in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, as applicable, along with the application. To avail this preferential allotment, he/she must qualify in the General (GE) Category and should produce the original certificate at the time of counselling.
HOW TO APPLY FOR JEE-2010: Candidates are advised to read the eligibility criteria carefully. A candidate can apply for JEE-2010 either on-line or off-line.
Applying On-line: Candidates can apply On-line, if they have access to computer, printer and Internet at home or elsewhere, by logging on to JEE website. The site has been designed in a 'user friendly' way to help candidates to apply On-line in a step-by-step fashion. On-line application portal will only be open till 5:00 PM (IST) on December 7, 2009. The examination fee is Rs 900/- for GE/OBC/DS candidates and Rs 450/- for SC/ST/PD and female candidates. Candidates can make payment On-line with credit/debit cards of major banks. Payment can also be made through challans of designated banks.
Instructions for applying On-line: • Log-on to IIT-JEE Website. • Go to menu item "Apply-On-line" • Enter name, date of birth and generate User-ID and Password. Note down the User-ID and Password for future reference. [ 7 ] • Check from the list provided whether the applicant has all the items for applying On-line. • Enter carefully all the data asked for. Help (Tool-tip) is provided at every stage to fill the form correctly. • If the applicant's parent/guardian has credit/debit card then he/she can pay on-line by following the instructions on the website. • If any credit/debit card is not available, then choose the option to pay through bank challan by selecting a bank. • At this stage the computer will ask the applicant to print the filled-in application form and if the applicant confirm, it will print the following items: i. Filled application form with the application number and barcode; ii. Bank challan in triplicate (not applicable, if you have already paid through redit/debit card) filled with your application number, name, etc., and also the amount (Rs 900/- if the applicant belongs to GE/OBC/ DS or Rs 450/- if  the applicant is a female or belongs to SC/ ST/PD). iii. An address-slip to be pasted on an A4 envelope. • Go to the bank and pay the fee. The bank will return two copies of the challan duly stamped. Keep the applicant's copy as proof of payment and attach the institute copy along with the application form printed by the applicant • Paste the photograph at the appropriate box. Keep two more copies of the photograph for future use. • Put your signature and get the signature of your parent/guardian in the appropriate boxes. • Keep a photo copy of the filled application form along with the photo and signatures for future use. • Attach an attested photo-copy of the 10th class certificate for proof of the applicant's name and date of birth along with the original application form. • Attach attested photo-copy of SC/ST/DS certificate in the prescribed format (If the applicant belongs to these categories). • Enclose the duly signed request letter for enlarged font question paper, if applicable. • Paste the address slip on an A4 envelope, put the application form and all the necessary enclosures, seal the envelope securely and submit in person at the zonal JEE Offices or send it by REGISTERED / SPEED-POST(keep the postal receipt for future reference). • This completes the applicant's on-line application process. • No acknowledgement will be given for applications. However, the applicant can verify the application status by logging-in with the user-ID and Password after a week. If the applicant sees any discrepancy, call or email the IIT office concerned using the details given in the web site.
Applying Off-line: Sale of OMR application (off-line) form and Information Brochure will start from 10:00 AM (IST) on November 16, 2009 and close at 5.00 PM (IST) on December 15, 2009. The application material can be obtained from any of the designated bank branches in each zone listed below. The cost of application material including the examination fee is Rs 1000/- for GE/OBC/DS candidates while it is Rs 500/-for Female/ SC / ST / PD candidates.
Instructions for applying Off-line: • Read carefully the eligibility criteria • Fill-in the OMR application form as per the guide lines given in Section VII of the brochure. • Follow the procedure given in Section VIII for completing the application process.
Instructions for Filling OMR Application: (i) The application form is in Optical Machine Readable (OMR) format. That means a special machine reads only the dark bubbles that the applicant makes on the OMR sheet. (ii) Therefore do not scribble, smudge, cut, tear, or wrinkle the application form. Do not put any stray pencil marks anywhere on the application form. Do not write or place any mark over the barcodes. (iii) To guide the applicant to fill the form correctly, the following suggestions are given: (a) Take a photocopy of both sides of the blank OMR sheet and try to fill them. After making sure that the entries in this form are correct, the candidate can start filling-in the original OMR and bubble the corresponding entries in the sheet, so that errors are avoided while filling it. The candidate should only send the filled original OMR form and NOT this photocopy form to us. (b) While filling the OMR form, first enter the data in black ballpoint pen (avoid gel/ink/felt pen as it might smudge the form) in the boxes provided above each coding area and then bubble with HB pencil the corresponding letter in each column below each box for the machine to read. (c) A sample filled OMR application form is given in the IIT-JEE brochure for showing how the application form appears after bubbling correctly. If there is a discrepancy between the written data and the bubbled data in the application, the bubbled data will be taken as final. (iv) If, by mistake the applicant darkened a wrong bubble and wish to change it, erase the darkened bubble completely using a pencil eraser, and then darken the correct bubble. Do not use any whitener to erase a darkened bubble. (v) The application must be complete in all respects. . Candidates should fill all the fields. Incomplete applications and applications filled in a language other than English will be summarily rejected.
Other Information Related to OMR Application Form: Candidates must take a photo copy of this filled-in form duly signed with photograph, etc., and keep it safely till the admission procedure is complete. They must also make a note of the application number separately. Candidates have to quote the application number in all future correspondence.
The check-list of items to be sent to IIT-JEE offices in different zones: (a)Completed original OMR application form with photo and signatures. (b) Duly attested photocopy of the 10th class or equivalent examination pass certificate where candidates' date of birth is mentioned clearly. In case, the pass certificate is not available, enclose the admit card and mark sheet of 10th class examination. In case, the 10th class certificate does not mention the date of birth, enclose a copy of an authenticated document mentioning date of birth. c) Attested copies of category/sub-category certificates (if applicable) (i) Caste certificate in the format as given in the Information Brochure for SC/ ST candidates. Certificates in any other format will not be accepted. (ii)If candidate belongs to DS category, enclose a copy of the relevant certificate issued by a competent authority in the Directorate of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, New Delhi (under the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India) or in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, as applicable. (d) Write the application number in copies of all certificates that you enclose. (e) The institute copy of the bank challan (if applicable).
Procedure to put the forms in the envelope: • Write all relevant information on the envelope carefully. • Duly completed OMR application form should be folded only along the original fold (shown in the middle by a dotted line). Make sure that the candidate's photograph, signature and the BARCODE must be on the outer side of the fold. • Do not staple or paste together the Application Form and the attested copies of certificates. Keep the photo copies of certificates on the inner side of the folded OMR form. • While putting the enclosures into the envelope, make sure the BARCODE and the application number on the OMR form are visible through the window of the envelope. This will help to scan the BARCODE without opening the envelope, as soon as it is received in the office for quick processing.
Where and how to send the completed application form: • The envelope containing the completed OMR application form and enclosures should be sent to the IIT located in the zone where the candidate wishes to appear for the examination (irrespective of the institute at which the candidate wants to seek admission). • The contact addresses of the zonal IITs to which the candidate should send the envelope with the application are given below. • The envelope must be sent by Registered Post/ Speed Post only. Do not send it through ordinary post or private courier services. Please keep the postal receipt for future reference. • One can also submit in person the completed application form at any of the JEE offices at the IITs. Application forms in IIT Delhi zone may be submitted in person at Union Bank of India, SDA Branch, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -16. • In IIT Madras Zone, the completed application form can be submitted at the same branch of Indian Bank from where the candidate has purchased the form.
Last date for receipt of the completed application form: The last date for receipt of the completed Off-line application at the IITs is 5:00 PM on December 19, 2009. Any application received after this date will not be accepted.
Proof of sending the completed application form:

  • No acknowledgement card will be sent.

  • No claim of submission of the application will be entertained unless it is
    supported with the photo copies of the postal receipt and of the filled OMR
    application form.

  • No correspondence with regard to the application, eligibility, and admit card will be entertained unless the application number is quoted.

  • Candidates can check the status of the application through IIT websites from January 1, 2010.

Admit Card: The admit card will bear the name, application number, registration number, photograph, signature, date of birth, address, language of Question Paper, and category of the candidate, along with name and address of the JEE Centre allotted. The admit cards will be sent by Speed Post to the address mentioned in the application form only to all those eligible candidates who have submitted valid application forms, complete in all respects and received at IITs well within the stipulated period.  No duplicate admit card will be issued. The candidate should carefully examine the Admit Card received by him/her for all the entries made therein. In case of any discrepancy, the candidate should inform the issuing institute immediately. 
Performance in JEE-2010: The answer paper of JEE-2010 is a machine-gradable Optical Response Sheet (ORS). These sheets are scrutinized and graded with extreme care after the examination. There is NO provision for re-grading and re-totalling. No photocopies of the machine-gradable sheets will be made available. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Candidates will get to know their All India Ranks (AIR) / Category ranks through the websites/SMS/IVRS on May 26, 2010. Candidates can view their performance in JEE-2010 from JEE websites from June 3, 2010.
Ranking: Only those candidates who attempted both Paper-I and Paper-II will be considered for the ranking. Marks in Chemistry in JEE will be equal to marks in Chemistry section of Paper-I plus marks in Chemistry section of Paper-II. Similar procedure will be followed for Mathematics and Physics. The sum of the marks obtained in the individual subjects in JEE will be the aggregate mark for the candidate. The average of the marks scored by all such candidates will be computed for each of the three subjects. These will be the Minimum Qualifying Marks for Ranking (MQMR) in the individual subjects. Based on the MQMR in the individual subjects as well as the aggregate marks in the examination, a Common Merit List (CML) will be prepared without any relaxed criteria, such that the number of candidates in this list is equal to the total number of seats available in all the participating institutes put together. The aggregate marks scored by the last candidate in the CML will be the CML cut-off score (CCS). Next, the merit list of the OBC candidates will be prepared. If the number of OBC candidates in the CML is equal to or more than 1.4 times the number of available OBC seats, then the OBC merit list will contain all these candidates. In case the number of OBC candidates qualified in the CML is less than 1.4 times the number of available OBC seats, then relaxation (maximum of 10%) to the individual MQMR as well as to the CCS will be applied, and an OBC merit list will be prepared, in which the number of candidates will be at most 1.4 times the number of available OBC seats. By applying 50% relaxation to the individual MQMR as well as to the CCS, separate merit list for SC, ST and PD candidates will be prepared. The number of candidates in each of these lists will be, at most 1.4 times the number of available seats in the respective categories. While preparing the merit lists, if a candidate belongs to more than one category/ subcategory of relaxed norms, then he/she for the purpose of ranking shall be considered in all the categories in which he/she qualifies. There will be no separate waiting list for candidates.
Tie-break: The tie-break criterion in the CML and category lists adopted for awarding ranks to the candidates who have scored the same aggregate marks is as follows: For each subject, the average marks will be calculated on the basis of the marks obtained by those candidates who have scored more than or equal to MQMR in that subject. Among the candidates having the same aggregate marks, a candidate will be ranked higher than the rest, if he/she has scored higher marks in the subject having the lowest average marks calculated as above. If there is a tie after this procedure, then the marks obtained by the tied candidates in the subject with the second-lowest average marks will be considered, and the above procedure will be repeated. Candidates tied even after this procedure will be given the same rank.
GOA Panaji 101 GUJARAT Ahmedabad 102 Rajkot 103 Vadodara 105 Surat 104 KARNATAKA Belgaum 106 MAHARASHTRA Aurangabad 107 Mumbai 109 Latur 108 Nagpur 110 Nashik 111 Navi Mumbai 112 Pune 113 Thane 114 RAJASTHAN Bikaner 116 Jaipur 117 Ajmer 115 Jodhpur 118 Udaipur 119 UAE Dubai 120
DELHI (East) 201 Delhi (West) 202 Delhi (North) 203 Delhi (South) 204 Delhi (Central) 205 HARYANA Faridabad 206 Gurgaon 207 JAMMU & KASHMIR Jammu 208 MADHYA PRADESH Indore 209 Ujjain 210 UTTAR PRADESH Aligarh 211 Gautam Budh Nagar (Noida) 212 Ghaziabad 213 Mathura 214
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Itanagar 301 ASSAM Dibrugarh 302 Goalpara 303 Guwahati 304 Silchar 305 Tezpur 306 BIHAR Bhagalpur 307 Gaya 308 Katihar 309 Muzaffarpur 310 Patna 311 MANIPUR Imphal 312 MEGHALAYA Shillong 313 UTTAR PRADESHGorakhpur 314 WEST BENGAL Siliguri 315
MADHYA PRADESH Bhopal 401 Gwalior 402 Jabalpur 403 UTTARAKHAND Nainital 404 Pantnagar 405 UTTAR PRADESH Agra 406 Allahabad 407 Jhansi 408 Kanpur 409 Lucknow 410 Raebareli 411
ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Port Blair 501 ANDHRA PRADESHVisakhapatnam 502 CHATTISGARH Bhilai 503 Bilaspur 504 Raipur 505 JHARKHANDBokaro 506 Dhanbad 507 Jamshedpur 508 Ranchi 509 ORISSA Balasore 510 Berhampur 511 Bhubaneswar 512 Cuttack 513 Rourkela 514 Sambalpur 515 SIKKIM Gangtok 516TRIPURA Agartala 517 WEST BENGAL Asansol 518 Barddhaman 519 Belur 520 Durgapur 521 Kharagpur 522 Kolkata (North) 523 Kolkata (Salt Lake) 524 Kolkata (South) 525 Malda 526
ANDHRA PRADESH Guntur 601 Hyderabad 602 Nellore 603 Tirupathi 604 Vijayawada 605 Warangal 606 KARNATAKA Bangalore 607 Mangalore 608 Mysore 609 KERALAKochi 610 Kozhikode 611 Thiruvananthapuram 612 Thrissur 613 PUDUCHERRYPuducherry 614 TAMIL NADU Chennai 615 Coimbatore 616 Madurai 617 Salem 618 Tiruchirapalli 619 Tirunelveli 620
CHANDIGARH Chandigarh 701 HARYANA Ambala 702 Kurukshetra 703 Panipat 704 Rohtak 705 HIMACHAL PRADESH Palampur 706 Shimla 707 PUNJAB Amritsar 708 Bhatinda 709 Jalandhar 710 Ludhiana 711 Patiala 712 UTTARAKHAND Dehradun 713 Roorkee 714 UTTAR PRADESH Bareilly 715 Meerut 716 Moradabad 717 Saharanpur 718 Varanasi 719

GOA: Panaji (Mathias Plaza) Margoa (Kamath House) GUJARAT: Ahmedabad (Rewdi Bazar; Ashram Road Branch; Bhadra Branch; Naroda Road Branch) Rajkot (Tricon Baug) Surat (Kotsafil Road; Majura Gate Branch) Vadodara (Prof. Manik Rao Road; Vadodara Akota Branch) KARNATAKA: Belgaum (Khade Bazar) Dharwad (Market Main; Station Road-Maluaddi) MAHARASHTRA: Amaravati (Opp.City Kotwali) Aurangabad (Shahganj; Surana Nagar) Jalgaon (Visanji Nagar) Kolhapur (Laxmipuri; Rajarampuri) Latur (Old Kapad Lane) Mumbai (Andheri (W) - Jayprakash Road; Borivli (W) - S.V.P.Road; Byculla-Hotel Heritage; Dadar (W) - Ranade Road Extension; Fort Market-Shahid Bhagpal Pandiyan House; Ghatkopar (E) - Ratilal B. Mehta Marg; IIT Bombay-Gulmohar Bldg.; Kanjurmarg (W) -Opp. Naval Dockyard Colony; Malad (W) - Laxminarayana Shopping Centre; Sion (W) -Mukund Niwas), Versova- Seven Bunglows, Worli-Dr.Annie Besant Road, Nagpur (Sitabuldi; Itwari Branch; Sadar Bazar Branch) Nanded (Tarasingh Market) Nashik (N.C.Cinema; Jail Road) Navi Mumbai (Opp. Nerul Railway Station; Turbhe Branch) Pune (Sadashiv Peth; Model Colony; Koregoan Park, MG Road Red cross Bldg, Shivaji Road) Solapur (Saraswati Chowk; ) Thane (Naupada, Thane(E)-Opp. Railway Station) Dombivili(E) (Patkar road) RAJASTHAN: Ajmer (M.G.Marg) Bhilwara (14-A, PWC Road) Bikaner (Phad Bazar) Jaipur (Arvind Marg; Malaviya Nagar; Mirza Ismail Road, Vaishali Nagar) Jodhpur (Jalori Gate) Kota (Baran Road) Sriganganagar (Shiv Circle) Udaipur (Sethjiki Bari).
DELHI/NEW DELHI: Anand Vihar (C-8, Anand Vihar), Connaught Place (14/15F), Dwarka (Bansal Plaza Sec.-6), Karol Bagh (Arya Samaj Road), Model Town-2 (B-5), Nehru Place (73/74, Sheetala House), Rajouri Garden (Patel Market), Sarita Vihar (Local Shopping Complex, F&G Pkt.), S.D.A. (Opposite IIT Main Gate), Shahdara (Raj Block, G.T. Road), Shalimar Bagh (BQ Commercial Complex); HARYANA: Faridabad (58, Neelam Bata Road), Gurgaon (New Railway Road); JAMMU & KASHMIR: Jammu (Raghunath Bazar), Srinagar (Lal Chowk); MADHYA PRADESH: Indore (1/3 Murai Mohalla, Sanyogita Ganj, 453, MG Road), Ujjain (5, Vishala Kshetra, Rishi Nagar)  UTTAR PRADESH: Aligarh (Patthar Bazar, Rly. Road) Gautam Budh Nagar (Brahmaputra Shopping Complex, Sector-29, NOIDA), Ghaziabad (15, G.T. Road), Mathura (1872 Tilak Dwar)
ARUNACHAL PRADESH: Itanagar (Papumpara); ASSAM: Biswanath Chariali (Main), Bongaigaon (Main), Dhubri (Main), Dibrugarh (Main), Diphu (Main), Goalpara (Main), Guwahati (Amingaon; Bamunimaidan; Dispur; Panbazar), Jorhat (Main), Kokrajhar (Main), Nagaon (Main), Sivasagar (Central Market), Silchar (Park Road), Tezpur (Near Padum Pukhuri), Tinsukia (AT Road); BIHAR: Barauni (Rajendra Road), Begusarai (Main), Bettiah (Main), Bhagalpur (Beatson Road; Sonapatti), Bihar Sharif (Main), Darbhanga (Main), Gaya (Main), Hazipur (Main), Katihar (Main), Muzaffarpur (Main), Patna (Anandpuri, West Boring Canal Road; Baily Road; Boring Road; Fraser Road; Maurya Lok Complex; New Market; Kankarbagh, Chandragupta Path; Patliputra Colony; Patna Main, West Gandhi Maidan; Patna Secretariat; Rajendra Nagar; Sri Krishna Puri), Purnea (Main); MANIPUR: Imphal (MG Road); MEGHALAYA: Shillong (Kachari Road), Tura (Main); MIZORAM: Aizwal (Solomon Cave); NAGALAND: Dimapur (Main); UTTAR PRADESH: Gorakhpur (Main); WEST BENGAL: Siliguri (Hill Cart Road).
MADHYAPRADESH: Bhopal (T.T. Nagar), Gwalior (Jiwaji Chowk, Lashkar)), Jabalpur (Main Branch) UTTARAKHAND: Almora (The Mall), Haldwani (Nainital Rd.,), Nainital (The Mall), Pant Nagar (University Campus) UTTAR PRADESH: Agra (M.G. Road), Allahabad (Kutcheri Road and High Court Branch), Amethi (Railway Station), Azamgarh (Near Collectorate), Ballia (Near Kutcheri)), Banda (Kutcheri Compound), Etawah (Shastri Nagar), Faizabad (Civil Lines), Gonda (Malaviya Nagar, Near Gandhi Park), Hardoi (Station Road), Jhansi (Civil Lines, Near Elite Crossing), Kanpur (Mall Road and IIT Kanpur), Lucknow (Moti Mahal Marg and Ashok Marg ), Raebareli (Super Market), Sitapur (Eye Hospital Road), Sultanpur (Main Branch)
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS: Port Blair (5, Middle Point); ANDHRA PRADESH:Vishakhapatnam (Gajuwaka, Dwarka Nagar) CHHATTISGARH: Bhillai (Supela Chowk), Bilaspur (Rama Trade Centre), Raipur (Jeevan Bima Marg); JHARKHAND:Bokaro (15 D/1 Western Avenue), Dhanbad (Bank More), Hazaribagh (Opp. Civil Court), Jamshedpur (Voltas House), Ramgarh (Narayani Complex), Ranchi (Near Albert Ekka Chowk), Sakchi (Satabdi Tower, New Planning Area); ORISSA: Angul (Shreeram Market Complex), Balasore (Near Police Lines Square), Berhampur (Near Sales Tax Square), Bhubaneswar (Archbishops Houses, Atyanagar), Chandrasekharpur (District Centre), Cuttack (Badambadi), Kalpana Square (Kalpana Square), Rourkela (Mangal Kunj Kachery Road), Sambalpur[ 24 ] (Ashoka Talkies Road);  SIKKIM: Gangtok (MG Road);TRIPURA: Agartala (HG Basak Road); WEST BENGAL: Asansol (Apurba Complex), Baharampur (3/20 KK Banerjee Road), Bankura (Nutan Chati), Barasat (Navapally, Sangam Market), Barrackpore (Near Champa Cinema Hall), Burdwan (37, GT Road), Chandernagore (Burrabazar Main Road), Durgapur (Sahid Khudiram Sarani), Howrah (Salkia), Kalyani (B-9/276, CA), Kharagpur (Malancha Road), Kolkata (Airport Branch, Behala, CIT Road, Dalhousie, Electronic Complex, Garia, Golpark, Kankurgachi, Kolkata Main, Laketown, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Rash Behari Avenue, Salt Lake, Shyambazar), Malda (1 KJ Sanyal Road), Midnapore (Station Road), Puruliya (Ranchi Road).
[Please note the candidates in IIT Madras zone can do both purchase and submission of application forms in the same bank branch] 
ANDHRA PRADESH: Chittoor (Madanapalle, Tirupathi),Cuddapah, East Godavari (Amalapuram, Kakinada), Guntur, Hyderabad (Begum Bazaar, Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad Main, Narayan Guda, Secunderabad, Srinagar Colony, Karimnagar, Peddapalli, Khammam, Kurnool, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nellore, Nizamabad, Srikakulam, Vijayawada, Warangal, West Godavari (Eluru), [ 25 ] KARNATAKA:Bangalore,(Avenue Road, B.Shankari II-St, Basavangudi, Halasuru (Ulsoor), JP Nagar, Jayanagar, Koramangala, Malleswaram), Bijapur, Chickmagalur, Davangere, Gulbarga, Hassan, Mandya, Mangalore, Mysore, Raichur, Shimoga, Tumkur, Uttar Kannad,(Karwar), Udupi, KERALA: Alappuzha, Kannur, Ernakulam (M G Road Ernakulam, Willington Island), Kottayam, Kozhikode, Palakkad, Thiruvananthapuram, Trissur PUDHUCHERRY : Kamaraj Salai, Pudhucherry Main TAMIL NADU: Chennai, (Adyar, Annanagar, Ashok Nagar, Chetput, ERA Puram, Guindy, Kodambakkam, Mylapore, Nungambakkam, Perambur, Pursawakkam, Royapuram, Sowcarpet, T.Nagar, Tambaram-West, Thiruvanmiyur, Triplicane, Villivakkam, West Mambalam) Cuddalore (Cuddalore Main, Chidambaram), Chengalpattu, Coimbatore (Avinashilingam Deemed Univ. Coimbatore Main, Ganapathy, Lawly Road, PN Palayam, RS Puram) Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karaikudi, Karur, Krishnagiri, Kumbakonam Main, Madurai (Anna Nagar, Madurai Main, TVS Nagar, Tallakulam, Tirunagar, Town Hall Road), Namakkal, Pollachi, Pudukottai, Rajapalayam, Ramanathapuram, Salem (Fairlands Main Road, Salem Main, Shevapet), Sivagangai, (Sivagangai Main, Alagappa College Campus, Devakottai), Thanjavur, Theni, Thudiyalur, Tindivanam, Tiruppur, Trichy (Crawford, Srirangam, Tennur, Tiruverumbur, Contonment, Woraiyur), Tirunelveli (Tenkasi, Tirunelveli Junction, Tirunelveli Town), Tiruvannamalai, Tuiticorin, Tiruppur, Uthagamandalam, Vellore, (Arakonam, Thirupattur, Vellore Main), Villupuram, Virudhunagar.
CHANDIGARH: Chandigarh (Sector 17-C Branch, Sector 37-D Branch); HARYANA:Ambala (Tandura Bazar, Ambala City), Hissar (Model Town), Kurukshetra (Railway Road, Thanesar), Panipat (G.T. Road), Rohtak (Jhajjar Road) and Yamuna Nagar (Saharanpur Road); HIMACHAL PRADESH: Palampur (Main Branch) and Shimla (The Mall);PUNJAB: Amritsar (Lawrence Road), Bhatinda (Bank Street), Jalandhar (Civil Lines), Ludhiana (Civil Lines), Pathankot (Railway Road) and Patiala (The Mall);UTTARAKHAND: Dehradun (Astley Hall), Hardwar (Ahmedpur), Roorkee (IIT Campus), Srinagar Garhwal (Main Branch) and Uttarkashi (Main Branch); UTTAR PRADESH:Bareilly (Shyam Ganj), Bijnor (Main Branch), Meerut (Eastern Kutchehri Road), Moradabad (Civil Lines), Muzaffarnagar (Gaushala Nai Mandi, South Bhopa Road), Saharanpur (Shaheed Ganj) and Varanasi (Nichi Bagh).
IIT Bombay ph: 022 2576 7062
IIT Delhi ph: 011 2658 1064,  2658 2002
IIT Guwahati ph: 0361 269 2788
IIT Kanpur ph: 0512 259 7236, 679 7236
IIT Kharagpur ph: 03222 28 1881, 27 8241
IIT Madras ph: 044 2257 8223
IIT Roorkee ph: 01332 27 9806
IT-BHU, Varanasi
Cell numbers for Short Message Service (SMS): Application status can also be obtained through two SMS servers. Candidates may send SMS to either of the following numbers: 9434709991, 9434709992 by sending their application number (nine digits without the first character 'A') as message text (for example, write 100000001 for application number 'A100000001' and send to 9434709991 to know the status of the Application No. A100000001).
For further details call Help-line Nos: 044-4292 5020 / 21 between 08:00 hours and 20:00 hours from Sunday, November 1, 2009. For Help-line support for 'on-line' application in IIT Madras zone contact: CMC Help-line No. 044-2250 4500
ast date of receipt of completed JEE application form Online: 07/12/2009
Last date of receipt of completed JEE application form Offline:  19/12/2009
Entrance Exaqmination :     11/04/2010
Declaration of results:    26/05/2010L


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