Applications are invited for admission to the following (i) ResearchProgramme[Ph D / M Sc (Engg)] (ii) CourseProgramme[ME /M Tech/M Des/M.Mgt] (iii) Integrated Ph DProgrammeand (iv) External RegistrationProgramme(Ph D only) at the Institute. Complete eligibility criteria, specialization, areas of research and the other details are available at our website http://www.iisc.ernet.in/admissions. Candidates who have not yet completed their qualifying examinations and expect to complete all the requirements for the degree (including all examinations, project dissertation, viva-voce etc.) before July 31, 2011, are also eligible to apply.
Ph D in Science Faculty:Astronomy & Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Ecological Sciences, High Energy Physics, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Materials Research, Mathematics,Mathematical Sciences(interdisciplinary),Microbiology & Cell Biology, Molecular Biophysics, Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, Neuroscience, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Solid State & Structural Chemistry.
M Sc(Engg) and Ph D in Engineering Faculty:Aerospace Engineering, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Automation, Earth Sciences, Electrical Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Design & Technology, Instrumentation, Management Studies, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,Nanoscienceand Engineering, Interdisciplinary inNanoscienceand Engineering, Product Design & Manufacturing, Sustainable Technologies, and Supercomputer Education & Research.
Applicants possessing a minimum of second class in the following are eligible to apply:
Bachelor'sorMaster's degree in an appropriate field of Engineering/Technology/Architecture/ Medicine/ Agriculture/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Sciences;orMaster's degree in Science in an appropriate field including Biotechnology, orMaster's in Economics, Geography, Social Work, Psychology, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Computer Science/ Application as applicable to the respective departments.
Qualifying in one of the following appropriate Tests (with validity as on 1stof August 2011) is mandatory for the candidatesapplying for Ph D in Science Faculty and M Sc(Engg): CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; or UGC-NET for JRF; or DBT JRF; or ICMR JRF; or JEST 2011; or NBHM 2011; orIIScEntrance Test 2011; or GATE 2010/2011. Qualifying in these tests is not mandatory but desirable for candidates who possess a Master's degree in Engineering/Technology/ M Sc(Engg)/MS or MBA(post BE/B Tech) wish to apply for the departments in the Engineering Faculty.
IIScEntrance Test is conducted in Atmospheric Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Ecological Sciences, Mathematics, Management Studies, and Materials Science subjects.
Candidateswith BE / B Tech or equivalent degree who may not have qualified in any of the above mentioned National Entrance Tests but possess an excellent academic record right from 10thStandard onwards may be considered for admission to a limited number of seats in Ph Dprogrammein Engineering Faculty. The short listing for interview of such candidates will be based on their academic performance in 10th, 12thand the qualifying degree at the current stage.
(a) Master of Engineering (ME)in Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Microelectronics, Signal Processing, Systems Science & Automation, and Telecommunication Engineering.
Applicants possessing a minimum of second class in Bachelor's degree in appropriate field of Engineering/ Technology or equivalent degree with valid GATE score are eligible to apply.
Selection is based on valid GATE score only.
(b) Master of Technology (M Tech)in Electronics Design & Technology(ED), Computational Science (CP), Climate Science(CL),Transportation & Infrastructure Engineering(TI) and Instrumentation(IN).
Applicants possessing a minimum of second class in the following qualifying degree with valid GATE score are eligible to apply:
Bachelor's degree in an appropriate field of Engineering/Technology;orMaster's degree in Science, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology, Instrumentation, Electronics orMaster's in Computer Application as applicable to the respective departments.
Selection for (ED), (CP) , (CL) and (CL) is based on an aptitude test and interview subsequent to short-listing based on valid GATE score and for (IN) based on valid GATE score only.
(c) Master of Design (M Des)inProduct Design & Engineering
Applicants possessing a minimum of second class in Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology / Design / Architecture with valid GATE/CEED scores are eligible to apply.
Selection is based on a Design Aptitude Test and interview subsequent to short-listing based on valid GATE / CEED scores.
(d) Master of Management (M.Mgt)
Applicants possessing a minimum of first class in Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology or equivalent degree with valid GATE/JMET scores are eligible to apply.
Selection is based on a group discussion and interview subsequent to short-listing based on valid GATE / JMET scores.
in (1) Biological Sciences(BS), (2) Chemical Sciences(CS), (3) Physical Sciences (PS) and (4) Mathematical Sciences(MS)
Applicants possessing a minimum of first class in Bachelor's degree in Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, (including Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Sciences and Agricultural Sciences), Mathematical Sciences,orBachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology as applicable to respective disciplines.
All the candidates should qualify inIIScEntrance Test scheduled for 24thApril 2011. The short-listing of candidates for interview is based on performance in theIIScEntrance Test.
It is a Researchprogrammefor working professionals from (1) R&D Organizations/Industries and (2) for Faculty members from Engineering, Agricultural, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Medical Colleges/ Universities, recognized by the appropriate government agencies. The candidates must be officially sponsored by their employing organization.
Ph D in Science: All the Science departments as indicated in (i) except High Energy Physics and Solid State & Structural Chemistry.
Ph D in Engineering:All the Engineering departments as indicated in(i).
• Qualifications remain the same as for the regular candidates. Further, the candidates should have two years of continuous service in a permanent position in the presentorganisation• Age:NOT higher than 40 years as on 01.04.2011.
Desirable: Qualifying in one of thetests;IIScEntranceTest,CSIR-UGC NET for JRF,UGC-NET for JRF, DBT JRF,ICMR JRF, GATE,
NBHM, etc.
Selection will be based on candidate's performance in the interview to be conducted atIISc.
(v) Reservation for OBC/SC/ST/Physically-Handicapped(PH) and Kashmiri-Migrant(KM) candidates:As per the Government of India regulations. Grade/Class of qualifying examination is relaxed to a "pass class" for SC/ST candidates.
(vi) Scholarships: All the regular students who join the Institute are eligible forIIScscholarship / fellowship from CSIR/ UGC/ ICMR/ MHRD/ AICTE/ NBHM/ as the case may be. Scholarships from many Indian and multinational agencies and business houses are also available for meritorious students.
(a) Application Forms for Research, Course and Integrated Ph Dprogrammes
may be obtained by any of the following three methods:(1)Against a cash payment ofRs.700/-fromselectCANARA BANKBranches.
(2)By sending a written request for application form with 2 address slips (stickers), and a demand draft (Rs.700/-for general/OBC categories, Rs.350/-for SC/ST/PH categories, along with copy of an appropriate certificate) to the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012. The DD must be drawn infavourof"Registrar, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore".
(3)Online application– Online submission of application may be made by accessing theIIScwebsite www.iisc.ernet.in/admissionsw.e.f. 07.02.2011. Online application fee isRs.600/-for general/OBC categories andRs.300/-for SC/ST/PH categories. A printed copy of the online application should also be posted as detailed below.
For External RegistrationProgrammes-Candidates should write to theDeputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit,IISc, Bangalore - 560 012,enclosing a DD forRs.1500/-drawn infavourof"Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore".
(b) Submission of Application Forms.
Filled-in off-line application forms/ print out of the online application forms should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit,IISc, Bangalore-560012 on or before21.03.2011.
Separate application form should be used for eachprogrammevizResearch or Course or Integrated Ph D. Only one application form will be considered for eachprogramme.
Commencement of issue of Information Brochure and Application Forms (at selectCanaraBank Branchesand atIISc) and submission of online Application Forms | 07.02.2011 |
Last date for issue of Information Brochure and Application Form (at selectCanaraBank Branches and atIISc) | 18.03.2011 |
Last date for:Submission of online application form (website closure)Receipt of completed offline Application form and hard copy of online Application Forms atIISc | 18.03.2011 21.03.2011 |
IIScEntrance Test | 24.04.2011 |
The applicants may contact concerned Departments for more details regarding specific academicprogrammes. Details may also be obtained by visiting our Home Page: www.iisc.ernet.in.
Note: Posters giving information about admissions toIIScare displayed at selectCanaraBank branches, and are posted to a large number of Engineering/Science Colleges and Universities.Helpline (24 hrs) : 080 – 22932977 (during February - July)
SelectCanaraBank Branches where applications are issued:
CanaraBank Branches atAhmedabad(Bhadra),Allahabad(MGMarg),Amritsar(DS Market),Bangalore(IISc. Campus,Indiranagar,JayanagarComplex, Majestic),Bhopal (BerasiaRd),Bhubaneshwar(Bapujinagar),Calicut(CherootyRd),Chandigarh(Sector 17C),Chennai(Mount Road,T.Nagar,Guindy),Coimbatore(RSPuram),Delhi(Karolbagh, RKPuram, F-19ConnaughtCircus),Dharwad(Market),Durgapur,Ernakulam(South),Gulbarga(Fort Rd),Guwahati(FancyBazar),Hyderabad(AbidsRd),Jaipur(ArvindMarg),Jamshedpur(GulmoharMarket),Kanpur(Mall Rd),Kolhapur(Laxmipuram),Kolkata(Chowringhee,Jadavpur,BrabourneRd),Madurai(Grand Central),Mangalore(Hampankatta),Mumbai(Fort,DadarWest,SantacruzEast,Chembur, New Mumbai),Mysore(Statue Square),Nagpur(Central Avenue),Panaji,Patna(South GandhiMaidan),Pondicherry,Pune(Camp),Rourkela,Secunderabad(MG Rd),Srinagar(Residency Rd),Surat(KotsafilRoad),Surathkal(Main Rd),Thiruvananthapuram(Puthechanthai),Tiruchi(Teppakulam),Tirupathi,Vadodara(Raopura),Varanasi(Bansphatak),Vijayawada(Gandhinagar),Visakhapatnam(Suryabagh),Warangal(Station Rd).
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